Limitless Writing Potential

Recently, I read a tweet from a popular blogger about how he’d kept a 500+ day writing streak by planning each post out the night before, and writing down the topic and short blurbs of related ideas in his journal . Great technique, so I added it to my nightly routine this year. Last night, I ...

Reading List 2024

This is the latest I’ve published my reading list for the last 6 years. I typically start my reading list for the year by carrying over unread stuff from the last year, but this time I’m going to start off with the books I think I should really be reading at this point, and continue with things ...

"Nomadism: Up and Downsides"

I moved four times last year, once the year before, and once the year before that. Since my last move, I’ve lived in 2 countries for at least 2 weeks. The upside of this is I really know how to pack now, and have to come understand which of my possessions are essential, and what things are nice ...

Current Thoughts on Habits

My thinking on routines and habits has started to shift, probably because of what I’m being exposed to on twitter about how habits are overrated, and what matters is the desire to do something. So, this is a timestamp of my still evolving thoughts. While I agree that no type of regimen can ...

Reinforcing My Routines: Reading

Reading. Writing. Learning. Taking long walks. Cardio or body weight exercises. Cooking. Working on creative projects. Looking back at the last decade, these are some of the routines that have kept me feeling alive. Last year, my reading really fell off. It’s one of the routines I want to ...