Buying Land in the 2020's

African millennials understand the concept of real estate as a source of wealth, but with the explosion of the digital landscape, how many have made the connection that digital real estate could work in the same way? Let's start from real estate as we know it - buying undervalued land or ...

My 2022 Reading List

I start my *reading lists by carrying over the books I couldn't get to or finish previously. Here's this year's haul. *(a) = Audiobook version Read Benjamin Franklin: An American Life (a)- Walter Isaacson So Good They Can't Ignore You (a) - Cal Newport The Art of Learning (a) - Josh Waitzkin ...

To be Remembered, Teach People things!

This refreshing video of Adele's reunion with her old teacher spawned a lot of great comments about teachers on twitter, where I hang out a lot in my free time. We all have that one teacher who changed our life… such a beautiful reunion! ❤️*PS, would totally buy Alan Carr’s version of ‘Make You ...

The Spark: Theory, Practice, and why I’m betting on Africa.

I took piano lessons as a teenager from when i was around 12-14. Mr. Johnson was a good teacher, we used Smallwood's piano tutorial and by the time i gave it up i was able to play pieces in C, G and F. Now? I can only play basic nursery rhymes from memory, but at least I have an ear for music, ...

15 things to do if you lose your job

Losing your job or regular source of income is a probability at some point for most working people. Not sure what the stats are, but daresay that anyone who goes through life without any periods of unemployment must be in the lucky minority. Without diving into specifics, think about the ...