My 2022 Reading List

I start my *reading lists by carrying over the books I couldn't get to or finish previously. Here's this year's haul.

*(a) = Audiobook version


  1. Benjamin Franklin: An American Life (a)- Walter Isaacson
  2. So Good They Can't Ignore You (a) - Cal Newport
  3. The Art of Learning (a) - Josh Waitzkin
  4. How to Sell to Nigerians - Akin Alabi
  5. API's for Dummies
  6. The Innovation Stack - Jim McKelvey
  7. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert M. Pirsig
  8. Shi-ka-ke - Naohiro Matsumura
  9. Assata - Assata Shakur
  10. Everybody Writes - Ann Handley
  11. Prosperity Paradox(a) - Clayton Christensen
  12. Kill it With Fire (a) - Marianne Bellotti
  13. Women Race and Class - Angela Y. Davis
  14. Kill it With Fire - Marianne Bellotti
  15. Scaling Up - Verne Harnish
  16. Data and Reality
  17. Insanely Siimple(a) - Ken Segall
  18. Idea Makers - Steven Wolfram
  19. Building a Second Brain - Tiago Forte
  20. Agile Software Requirements
  21. Made to Stick (a) - Chip & Dan Heath
  22. The Art of Learning (a) - Josh Waitzkin

Didn't Finish, Might Never Finish

  • Caste (a) - Isabel Wilkerson
  • Becoming Trader Joe - Joe Coulombe
  • Peopleware (a): Productive People and Teams
  • Never Split the Difference(a) - Chris Voss