Limitless Writing Potential

Recently, I read a tweet from a popular blogger about how he’d kept a 500+ day writing streak by planning each post out the night before, and writing down the topic and short blurbs of related ideas in his journal . Great technique, so I added it to my nightly routine this year. Last night, I tried to pick my topic for today, and went to bed with no luck. As I sit down to write after my walk today though, several new ideas and angles to tie up some existing drafts have popped up

If you’re a thinker, you probably have so many unformed or unfinished thoughts in your head at any point in time that there’s a lot of directions to go with writing. The harder choice now becomes deciding what story or idea is worth sharing, picking what feels right, editing, and deciding the scope of the narrative.

It’s my 3rd go at shipping 30 for 30, and one thing that stands out this time around is that finding a topic is way easier. Is this what’s called “finding your voice?”

I recall wondering how the guys who wrote the daily devotionals could come up with a new topic each day. From experience now, I see that with a good writing habit you could conceivably write and publish a post every day of your life.