Ship30for30, or publish 30 atomic articles in 30 days feels an opportunity for me to fall into a good writing habit, especially because of my underlying feeling that with all the reading I do, I could be a better writer than I currently am.
From waiting to get a new computer to 'make typing more interesting' to planning to start at the beginning of September because "30 days has september", I have procrastinated in unimaginable ways since hearing about it online for the first time.
Finally sitting down to sign up to the cohort, I found out it wasn't a free internet challenge but a paid writing course...nope. I wasn't that interested. Did I really need another writing course? Maybe i'll just ship 30 anyways?
Wait...the official website had a teaser into the Ship 30 for 30 program: a writing lesson emailed to you each day for 10 days. I found these very useful, and have no reasons to procrastinate any further, so here goes.