The Thrill of Shipping

There’s a feeling when you take an idea and execute on it to produce something tangible. It’s such a powerful feeling, and even better in a group setting when you can tangibly feel the excitement of being part of something that actually gets done. This feeling compounds: the more you ship and have finished ‘products’ to look back at, the more motivation to keep going.

One thing I’m missing this year is the thrill of shipping in the most basic way: publishing. By just writing a post and publishing it on my blog, I have a finished product that I took from Idea to Action. I hacked it together, so after losing my computer I haven’t quite been able to replicate that setup that allows me post and push to my website. This post started out as nothing but a friendly reminder to myself to fix it so I can feel the thrill of shipping again, but then I remembered that I also have another blog, where my intention was to do more technical, product and career focused writing.

This means that there’s no real excuses for not feeling the thrill again, even while my personal blog is down. I’ve been gathering material slowly, and wasn’t the whole point of this writing challenge to get better at writing? 40 something odd posts in, I should be able to pull together my first serious post of the year, so that’s my goal for this last full week in January: Publish something for