Butt Dial

Most buttdials these days are actually your hand calling, so it’s easy to forget, or depending on how old you are, not even realize that the word comes from a real time when phones had call buttons that could be pressed when you sat on them A friend called me and I picked up, only to see a ...

A Dog Ate It

I hate giving excuses, but sometimes a dog really ate my homework. Life can really throw a row of curve-balls that are really hard to explain to someone who wasn’t present but, make you miss a deliverable. So, the reason today’s post about how I shouldn’t have hacked my blog together will not ...

Copy and Paste in Real Life

I went to undergrad with a guy who wrote a book called A-Z life lessons. Random, but I still remember that there was a chapter about how “Copy and Paste”, (famous with lazy students) could work in real life too. I generally agree with the sentiment - sometimes if you want similar results, there ...

Niche Interests

I find it fascinating how people can be very normal on the surface, till you ask a question that unlocks their ‘thing’ - some niche interest they have. All of a sudden, you see that transformation into a savant who can tell you every detail you could possibly want to know as a casual, about ...

Embrace the drudgery

Ever noticed that for so many things that you enjoy or are good for you, there's a bit of boring, monotonous labor built in? I call it the drudgery of doing or becoming, because great things rarely get done without parts like that. The creator's idea was probably to filter out those who really ...