Niche Interests

I find it fascinating how people can be very normal on the surface, till you ask a question that unlocks their ‘thing’ - some niche interest they have. All of a sudden, you see that transformation into a savant who can tell you every detail you could possibly want to know as a casual, about ...

Embrace the drudgery

Ever noticed that for so many things that you enjoy or are good for you, there's a bit of boring, monotonous labor built in? I call it the drudgery of doing or becoming, because great things rarely get done without parts like that. The creator's idea was probably to filter out those who really ...

Thoughts on Minimalism

I've heard people use minimalist in a derogatory way, like he's a miser or doesn't like nice things. I think minimalists just pick a smaller surface area of things to care about. Contrast that with maximalists who need to have 100! perfumes, or hoarders who can't let go of stuff and have whole ...

Obnoxious Nigerian

Here are some easy ways to be an Obnoxious Nigerian Abroad. When you meet someone from another African country, never ask anything to make you learn about their own experience. Instead, be sure to make fun of their name, culture, music or how they look. When you meet a Nigerian, ask if they are ...

Why I track my personal data

In today's increasingly connected world, many of our activities - from the type of content we consume, sleep habits, to how often we walk, talk, listen to music, and use different applications - leave a digital footprint that can tell us more about ourselves. Our devices are already collecting ...