Social bikes

I was in New Orleans for a wedding and noticed the blue bikes just like in New York, D.C. and the University of Virginia.

It was a family vacation, and since i ended up biking a lot in the last couple of days out there, it naturally became a part of the conversation. My aunt and uncle asked several questions to understand how the system worked.

How do you pay? Do you have to return the bike? What if you steal the bike?

Our conclusion that it was innovative became stronger as we tried to poke holes in their business model and couldn't find any flaws.

I became more curious about all things bike share and have resolved to do some more research about them.

  • Who owns social bikes?
  • What Cities and States are covered by their network?
  • Customer base?
  • Numbers
  • What kinds of bikes?
  • What are asian bike sharing companies and what kind of bikes do they use?
  • Lyft acquires biggest biking network.

Stay tuned.