Niche Interests

I find it fascinating how people can be very normal on the surface, till you ask a question that unlocks their ‘thing’ - some niche interest they have. All of a sudden, you see that transformation into a savant who can tell you every detail you could possibly want to know as a casual, about this very specific thing.

Sometimes, it could even evolve to be their whole brand as the go to person for that specific thing. Actually, twitter probably has the largest aggregation of people randomly sharing these interests. See @arojinle1for a random example. The sweet spot is when you can pursue it in a sustainable way, either by turning it into a career or having one that funds or helps you really go for it.

That’s one of the benefits of our social nature as humans, we can all have very niche interests, pursue them well enough to be like a doctor and prescribe just the right dose for other’s casual curiosity. I like having friends with these niche interests cause then I don’t even need to worry about how to surface the good stuff, but can trust them to do the work and provide the best recommendations. Niche or not, we should all find our ‘things’, and pursue them vigorously, it makes life more interesting for sure.