Mid-year Check-in: Reading List

I haven't read as much as i could this year, so thought it would be good to do a dump of everything I have going on on the book front, just to keep track somewhere outside my head.

Read recently

  • Lateral thinking, Ed de Bono: Long, arduous read that slowed my reading pace for months, but great because it helped me understand more about how the mind operates. I feel confident that I have the basic skills in lateral thinking now, and can always refer to it when needed.
  • Secrets of Consulting: Another read that took longer than needed, lots of fieldstones but unfortunately I wasn’t capturing them when reading.
  • A technique for producing ideas

Currently I’m reading


  • Product Managemement Sacred Seven: It’s a 650+ page textbook and I’m about halfway through. I’ve been reading and mindmapping notes so it hasn’t been the fastest.

  • How to be Rich by Paul Getty. This one snuck into my reading list and I plan to finish it this week. I love books from the 60’s, and no it’s NOT a get rich quick book, haha.


  • Weingberg on Writing: The fieldstone method - I like this one a lot, needed something more free flowing after all the dense books this year, plus I’ve already learned things I can apply right away.

  • Generating product ideas

I’m looking forward to reading.

I didn’t start off the year with these books on my reading list but they’re great additions, so there.

  • Slow Productivity: Cal Newport

  • Ghostroots - Pemi Aguda: Yo, Pemi wrote a book. What better way to seal our debate about the need for fiction than to write one?

  • The Halo Effect.